Third Profane Locus Devlog

Today, I fixed the bug where you the E annotation gets stuck in the screen no matter what , as reported by user @wolfweb123. Tried to fix the fullscreen not working problem , but still not working even by this code :

Anyone has any idea how to make it?

Also, crouching has been added! Working on making the game concept and story-line clear, gonna take a long time.  Had a great development day today!


Profane Locus Build 11.rar 34 MB
Jun 29, 2020

Get Profane Locus


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You might try something like:

if( fullscreen ) Screen.fullScreenMode = FullScreenMode.ExclusiveFullScreen;

else Screen.fullScreenMode = FullScreenMode.Windowed;

Though I'm more used to godot myself.

Hey there! Thanks for sticking by and for your suggestion! Will try this surely!